Hikari Ichihara Default replied

671 weeks ago

If only 5, use these
Byregot's Blessing (+100% Quality 3 steps)
Purification (+125 Quality 1 step)
Heart and Soul (+125% Quality 1 step)
Perfection (Careful Great Success 1 step)
Master's Mend (+ Great amount of Durability back)

If 10 randomly placed during the synth like it is now then

Byregot's Blessing (+100% Quality 3 steps)
Purification (+125 Quality 1 step)
Heart and Soul (+125% Quality 1 step)
Good Measure (+100% Quality 1 step)
Inner Quiet (+100% Quality 1 step)
High Return (Great Success 1 step)
Culmination (Great Success 1 step)
Perfection (Careful Great Success 1 step)
Master's Mend (+ Great amount of Durability back)
Piece by Piece (+40 Progress -0 to -10 Durability)

Lux Admin replied

671 weeks ago

thank you!

Hikari Ichihara Default replied

671 weeks ago

I post from iPad so I forgot to give credit :)
I found that post from lodestone but I'm not sure that's working or not ( didn't try yet )

Hikari Ichihara Default replied

671 weeks ago

This is the list of abilities I using as a mass production
Grand Design (+20% progress -0 Durability) / WVR30
By the Book (+30% Progress -0 Durability) / GSM45
Unerring Hand (+20% Progress -0 Durability) / CRP30
Piece by Piece (+30% Progress -0 Durability) / ARM45
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