Lux Admin replied

662 weeks ago

The Aurum Vale

6 chests during the run
  1. 1st chest - in first poison room
    - Red Onion Helm
    - Spiked Armguards
  2. 2nd chest - south west of the second poison room
    - Explorer's Belt
    - Veteran's Field Belt
  3. 3rd chest - south east of the second poison room (pop after killed 4x Lily)
    - Explorer's Bandana
    - Spiked Armguards
  4. 4th chest - after killed Coincounter
    - Mage's Halfrobe
    - Thormoen's Purpose
  5. 5th chest - after killed 7x Imperial
    - Explorer's Calot
    - Spiked Armguards
  6. 6th chest - 4x Vale Banemite room
    - Mage's Choker
    - Spiked Armguards

Miser's Mistress chests

  • A box - after killed Miser's Mistress
    Blessed Ring

    Stonewall Rings

    Mage's Earrings

    Explorer's Earrings

    Darklight Helm (rare)

    Darklight Breeches (rare)

  • B box - kill far left slug in first poison room
    Alesone's Songbow

    Chiran Zabran's Tempest

    Aubriest's Whisper

    Sibold's Reach

  • C box - killed all the Imperial Army
    Explorer's Breeches

    Darklight Boots (rare)

  • D box - 25mins Speed Run
    Veteran's Acton

    Explorer's Moccasins

    Heavy Darklight Armor (rare)

    Darklight Corselet (rare)

  • E box - get all 6 chests during the run
    Scorpion Shield

    Darklight Bracers (rare)

    Darklight Gloves (rare)

  • made by Lux


    last edited 659 weeks ago by Lux

    Lux Admin replied

    659 weeks ago

    last edited 659 weeks ago by Lux
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